Cool Tip: Egg-cellent Practice!

Has this ever happened to you?  You're cracking (and maybe separating) several eggs for a dish; everything is going swimmingly, and then you crack the last egg, and... Ooops!  You have a mishap!  You get shells in your bowl that you can't fish out, or (if you're separating eggs) you get some yolk in your whites, and you have to throw the whole mess out and start over.  I hate it when that happens. 

But you don't have to fall victim to the "last egg mishap" syndrome.  It's simple to avoid this:  always crack or separate your eggs into small bowls one at a time; when you know that your egg doesn't have any trace of shells or the whites don't have any trace of yolk, then add them to the mixing bowl.  This way, you'll waste no more than 1 egg in any mishap.
