Cool Tip: Romance & Food

Valentine’s Day is THE holiday of romance … of demonstrating your love for that one special person in your life … of presenting beautiful and sensual gifts … for mutual enjoyment and pleasure … and above all, for honoring the most significant gift that you both give and share: your love for each other.


And how can you do that, in the most effective and fulfilling way? … with food, of course! One author has observed that “of all our personal belongings, it is food that we most readily share with others. That sharing involves an investment of time and energy, and the full enjoyment of both romantic relationships and food requires sustained commitment. The desire to nourish and [to] satisfy others is at the center of both romance and food preparation. Both express care.” *


And with caring … in attention to detail, of how the other will view the product of your labors, and that the pleasure that you enjoyed in your efforts will be appreciated and reciprocated.


This connection between food and romance can become a cliche in the Hallmarkish elements of celebrating Valentine’s Day. But the underlying truism is deeply rooted in history and evident in almost every culture and cuisine around the world. Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of romantic love, lent her name to the concept of aphrodisiacs, which have taken many forms in many places. From chocolate to oysters, in chilis and many different herbs and spices, in honey, with almonds, apples, and more, to such exoctica as eels and birds’ nests, one conclusion is certain: “it does not take much to persuade people [to eat something] when the promise of sex is involved.” *


The romantic traditions of St. Valentine’s Day are the real purpose for our celebration. And there can be few better ways to demonstrate your love than to organize and prepare a delicious feast for two. Piper is fond of saying that “food is the only consumable art form.” And what better gift of art to present to your Valentine than a thoughtfully prepared, beautiful and delicious dinner?


We’ve presented a few suggestions and hope that you and yours will enjoy a tasty, sensual evening together … Happy Valentine’s Day!


* Thanks and acknowledgement to @DwightFurrow for his writings and perspectives.
