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Cool Tip: Never, Ever Cut an English Muffin With a Knife!

English Muffins, which are neither English nor muffins (at least not in the American blueberry muffin genre) are one of the most popular breakfast breads in the US. Whether you top them with marmalade, peanut butter, lemon curd or a poached egg and hollandaise, they are a much-loved breakfast treat. But what do you know about their origins, and, more importantly, what makes them so special?

Did you know, for example, that they are not baked, but rather cooked on a griddle? And while the idea of a round, yeast-risen bread cooked in a ring mold on a griddle dates back to tenth or eleventh century Wales, the modern English Muffin was created by Samuel B. Thomas in the late nineteenth century in New York. (10 Things You Didn’t Know About English Muffins)

But the things that make English Muffins so very special are the “Nooks and Crannies”, a term that Bimbo Bakeries USA, Thomas’ English Muffins’ parent company, trademarked to describe the open grain and texture that is unique to English Muffins. The “Nooks and Crannies” allow the muffin to create a texture, when toasted, that almost crackles with goodness and crunch because of the little peaks and valleys on the surface of the split muffin.

And that brings us to the discussion of how you split a muffin. The creators of the English Muffin (both original and of later versions--the Model Bakery in St. Helena, CA makes one of our favorite versions) have gone to a great deal of trouble to create a texture with peaks and valleys that give English Muffins their unique appeal. Cutting an English Muffin with a knife is tantamount to “peakacide”: it destroys the peaks and robs the muffins of their delightful character. 

Here is the guidance for splitting a muffin from the Thomas’ English Muffin site: “First, use your hands. Find a crease on the side and pull the muffin apart. If you prefer, you can use your fork. Just poke a hole in three sides of the muffin with a fork and pull apart. Do not use a knife. This cuts away the delicious "Nooks & Crannies" texture. Place each side of the English muffin in separate toaster slots to toast all sides evenly.” 

While this guidance works, we think we’ve found a better way. Check out the Sirius Chef Muffin Splitter on Colbrook Kitchen, and take your breakfast to a whole new level!
