Cool Tip: Making a Parchment Circle--it's Easy...

Sometimes you just need a parchment circle; whether it's to line a cake pan, or to cover a custard or pudding so that it doesn't form a skin, you just need it...and sometimes the recipe doesn't tell you you need it until your somewhere in the middle of cooking with lots going on. And if you're geometrically challenged, as I am, and don't want to take out a pencil and start try to trace a circle on parchment (which is more work anyway), then here is a quick and easy way to make a parchment circle.

Take a piece of parchment and fold it on the diagonal into halves and then on the diagonal again into quarters

Then,using the lower point as the center, fold the paper in half, and then in half again, and then in half again.

Now, put the point on the center of the pan or bowl you want to cover to get an approximate measurement, and cut a straight line through the parchment, just inside the outer edge of the pan.

Now, unfold the parchment, and you have your circle!
