Search results for: 'roast chicken'

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Cool Tip: The Perfect Spice? Yes Indeed!

We first discovered Perfect Spice, a Canadian product, many years ago when our friends from Canada brought about a case with them and produced a bottle, like magic, at every meal… what a revelation! It made everything we sprinkled it on taste better.

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What do you do with Rotisserie Chicken?

What do you do with Rotisserie Chicken?

(Sung to the tune of “What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor”)

Our recent practice during the pandemic (and it will probably continue after as well) is to go to Costco about once every 2 weeks. Each time, I buy 2 rotisserie chickens (just about the best $10 you can spend). Here’s what I do with it:

NIght 1: Sliced roast chicken with a veg and maybe a starch--in this case, microwave steamed peeled asparagus (1.5 minutes) with leftover hollandaise and homemade pasta with truffle butter and freshly grated parmesan cheese. Total time: about 15 minutes, including peeling the asparagus--it does make it taste better.

After dinner: I break down the rest of the chickens into chicken meat (to be used in salad, pasta, tacos, chicken salad or soup)

and the bones to be turned into bone broth

The bone broth cooks overnight in the pressure cooker setting on the Instant Pot.

Which leaves me with a good quantity of chicken bone broth to make some of our favorite soups:

Matzoh Ball Soup

Thai Shrimp, Pork and Chicken Soup with Jalapenos

Slow Cooker Lentil Soup with Sausage and Spinach

What do you do with a Rotisserie Chicken?

Cool Tip: Men Who Cook...

Ask any woman, and she’ll tell you that guys who cook are catnip. They have a sexy self confidence and aren’t afraid to experiment. It also shows a nurturing side that is very appealing.

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