Gefu Bivita Sprouter

Why It's Cool: Grow your own sprouts, easily, quickly and deliciously!

OK, we admit it: we used to laugh at people who ate sprouts. Yes, we live in Northern California, and, yes, we know that sprouts are supposed to be really healthy, but we always thought that they tasted sorta like grass, and if you ate them at all it was ONLY for the health benefits. We even asked waiters to take them off our salads when offered. Our “Ah ha” moment came when one of our vendors talked us into trying their new sprouter (which, incidentally, just won the GIA - Global Innovation Award - at the 2017 International Housewares Show!) we sent away for some organic French Garden (Clover, Arugula, Cress, Radish, Fenugreek, Dill) seeds and gave it a go. Wow!

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